Using my voice...
With a corrupt Government that's out of control and a country that's on its knees, there's never been more to talk about.
Here's how I try...
Political Podcasting: The Trawl
Political commentator Marina Purkiss and broadcaster Jemma Forte delve into the week in tweets.
The Trawl doomscrolls social media so you don’t have to. Each week our hosts discuss who in politics has digitally soiled themselves and who has been excellent, in a podcast that has reached #4 in the UK News Podcast chart and #21 in the overall UK podcast chart.
The podcast is enjoyed by Gary Lineker, Carol Vordeman and James O'Brien - and is probably hated by Mike Graham.
You can now subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and wherever you get your podcasts.

"I didn't even realise I was a lefty.
I just thought I wasn't a knob."
Marina Purkiss

A little about me...
Before 2016, I was your average, politically-apathetic, 30-something-year-old.
But then came the EU referendum result.
A result that came as shock.
A shock that prompted a journey...
I fell down the rabbit hole that is the state of UK politics and am falling still.
I shared my observations, my frustrations, my amusing musings (if you will) with the Twitterverse. And for some reason, they listened.
Today, I find myself with over 420,000 Twitter followers. I feature on Channel 5's Jeremy Vine Show, LBC, Have I Got News For You, Good Morning Britain, BBC Radio, Piers Morgan's Uncensored and have also written for Fortune Magazine.
I also have my own politically charged (but fun) podcast: The Trawl and am the new host of Byline TV's debate show: The Table.
When not opining the state of UK politics, you'll find me leading marketing campaigns for a US tech firm, indulging in gloriously exhausting family and friends time, and drinking wine.
...though not all at the same time.

"I'm not jealous of the No.10 parties anyway.
I was at home washing my Tesco delivery."